IDE’s (interactive development environments)#

This section will provide you with information on the recommended IDE’s to use with the Python and R programming languages. Here we will cover their installation, setup and basic use.


Visual Studio Code#

VS Code is a robust IDE for working in Python. It has a wide variety of extensions that support python programming and integration with other languages and tools.


The easiest way to install VS Code is directly from the website


When you start using VS Code you will want to install some core extensions for working with Python. These are:

  • Python (which should also install Pylance)

  • Jupyter (which will install several related Jupyter extensions)

Basic usage#

  • Start by opening the folder for the project you are working on. This might be a git repo or an empty project folder

  • Setup a virtual environment. Virtual environments make it easier to manage the package dependencies for a project during development and deployment

  • To initialise a new virtual environment:

    1. Ensure you have opened the project folder you are working on. The virtual environment data (.venv) will be stored here

    2. Open a new terminal in VS Code by going to the tool bar at the top, clicking on ‘Terminal’, then selecting ‘New Terminal’ from the dropdown. This will open a new terminal at the bottom of the window

    3. Open the command palette by pressing cmd + shift + P

    4. The command palette will open at the top of the window

    5. Start typing ‘Python: Create Environment’ and select this option

    6. From the dropdown select the environment type venv

    7. Select a Python interpreter version

    8. You will see in the terminal that the current location is preceded by (.venv)

  • To initialise an existing virtual environment

    1. Open the project folder (likely a git repo you have cloned)

    2. Open a new terminal in VS Code by going to the tool bar at the top, clicking on ‘Terminal’, then selecting ‘New Terminal’ from the dropdown. This will open a new terminal at the bottom of the window

    3. In the terminal type source 'name_of_virtual_environment'/bin/activate the name of the virtual environment will likely be venv unless otherwise specified

    4. Open the command palette by pressing cmd + shift + P

    5. The command palette will open at the top of the window

    6. Start typing ‘Python: Select Interpreter’ and select this option

    7. From the dropdown select the Python interpreter specified in the virtual environment. This can be found in the ‘name_of_virtual_environment’/bin folder

  • Installing packages in your virtual environment

    • To install new packages to your virtual environment simply go to the terminal and type pip install ‘package_name’

    • The package name to be used at installation can easily be found by googling something like ‘Python pip install pandas’

    • You can also specifiy a specific version of a package if necessary otherwise the latest stable version compatible with you version of Python should be installed


VS Code Python tutorial


R base and R Studio#


To you R with R Studio, you need to first install R base then install R Studio. R Studio will then automatically locate R base if installed in this order.


R Studio should work straight out of the box. It has a built in package manager function that allows you to easily install packages such as shiny, tidyverse, psych, dplyr, ggplot etc.

Basic usage#

The main thing to note when using R is to ensure that you set your working directory. This is done using the setwd() function or can be manually set within the IDE in the file explorer.
